I would like in this issue to give hope and instill faith to those who are afraid to make the decision to accept Christ, to those who have recently done so, but think back on their past, and for those who, even having some maturity in their walk, may get a chink in their armor from he who plants seeds of doubt, knowing that as humans we have imperfections and are not always impervious to his (the devil's) darts. I would like to showcase some biblical figures, particularly a few with many sins on their record, but because of their faith, they are with Jesus and in heaven.
The first is one who knew Jesus only just before He died, and then he, too, died. The man called by many, "the good thief". Now this is quite the misnomer, because he was not a good thief at all, but rather he was the one of the two who asked Jesus to remember him when He comes into His kingdom, and then was promised paradise. So really, he was "the thief made good", because he died with a promise from Christ to be with Him there in paradise. Now this was just a typical thief for the most part; his sins caught up with him, and there he was, up ther on the cross next to Jesus'. He initially wasn't any better than those who were there at the scene, because like many there, he was mocking Him, as is documented in Matt. 27:44, and Mark 15:32. Now in Luke 23:40 - 43 is where I point out that this thief, who obviously lived a life sinful enough to warrant death on a cross, suddenly came up with faith enough to not only rail the other thief and his taunting of Christ, but to ask Him to remember him when He came into His kingdom! For that, he was rewarded with verification from Jesus that he would be there that day with Him in paradise! Takes a lot of those "Yeah, but..." doubts out of your mind, doesn't it?
Let's go with another person with many sins, only this one is from the Old Testament; how about David? Have you not heard how he killed Goliath (1 Sam. 17:50), after the sixth commandment was given from Moses that "...Thou shalt not kill" (Exod. 20:13)? And not only did he kill Goliath, but tens of thousands (1 Sam. 18:7)? And he killed after that 200 more for a form of dowry (1 Sam. 18:27)? And he further killed more, as is recorded in 1 Sam. 27:8 - 11 and 30:16 - 17. Even in 2 Sam. 8:1 - 18, David killed thousands upon thousands from Philistia, Moab, Zobah, Syria, and Edom. Well over 40,000 he slaughtered in his defeat of Ammon in 2 Sam. 10. As if these many killings were not enough sin, David also sinned in adultery (2 Sam. 11:2 - 5), and to make it worse, after finding out she was pregnant with his child, David had her husband Uriah killed, and sent the letter of instructions how to have him killed in Uriah's own hand! While all these sins are documented in the books of Samuel, despite all these, God's salvation was his. Understand that David had great faith, even before he was king of Israel. He would not harm Saul, the Lord's anointed (1 Sam. 24:6, 10 -12). For all that he did, God promised David his house, kingdom, and throne established for ever (2 Sam. 7:16). This was because David's faith pleased God. As Heb. 11:6 has it, it is impossible to please God without faith. One must believe He is and that He rewards. David praised God much, as in 2 Sam. 7:18 - 29, and don't forget the 73 Psalms David wrote concerning so many aspects of God, and much of it was praise to Him! David's song of his faith in God can be found in 2 Sam. 22:1 - 51.
The last I want to cover is Paul, once Saul. Before his conversion, Saul was into persecution of Christians. Acts 26:9 - 12 has Saul, now Paul, confessing to king Agrippa that before his conversion, he did everything he could contrary to the name of Jesus, shutting up saints in prison, having them put to death, punishing them in synagogues, and compelling them to blaspheme, even persecuting Christians in strange cities. Acts 7:57 - 8:1, 3 has him approving of the stoning of Stephen, a Christian, and documents that he went after Christians with such hatred, he was like a rampaging beast. Acts 9:1-6, 10 - 18, 21, however, explains his wonderful metamorphosis caused by Jesus Himself! After his incredible transformation, Saul, now Paul, became a great champion for Christ, full of faith. He blinded Elymas the sorcerer by the power of God, and when he healed a cripple in Acts 14:8 -20, the people of Lystra called him and Barnabas gods, but after he corrected them, there were visiting Jews who persuaded the people to stone him (ironic that he should learn how Stephen felt!), but later, surrounded by disciples, he got up and went to Derbe. Acts 16:16 -39 has a story of Paul driving a spirit out of a damsel, and ended up being beaten and given stripes for his good deed. Acts 19:6, 11-12 has it that God wrought many miracles up until his death, but what faith he suddenly had after his conversion! He was the first major missionary for Christ, making 3 journeys as His missionary that were so remarkable for any man in that time in history. His final journey was to Rome, where he was martyred.
So when someone thinks they've committed too many sins, that there's no hope for someone who has done so much wrong for so long, or that you can't do much at your age for the Lord, consider one of these superheroes of a sinner like you and me, who, despite when they realized they displeased God in their lifetime, had faith that He is and He rewards, and that they should do and say the righteous things with whatever time they had left. Especially look at the "good thief"; the only thing he could do was to defend Christ in His last hours before He died, and Christ's answer to his request to remember him was an invaluable reward to any who should hear it; (Luke 23:43) "...Verily I say unto thee, to day shalt thou be with Me in paradise."!