Friday, August 6, 2010

Biblical Finance Tips


When it comes to finances, the first thing most people don't even think of is the fact all we have, whether it's real estate wealth, currency wealth, liquid assets, stock wealth...we have what we have by God's grace. God owns everything. Refer to Gen. 1:1 if you need a reference. Col. 1:16, Ps. 24:1, 50:10-12 further substantiate this, although common sense to the believer would already make this concept a no-brainer. He made everything; the entire world. So all its assets are rightfully His! How easy it is to take this for granted, isn't it?

Okay, so now that we've established that He owns everything, and what we have is by His grace, we are therefore essentially using what He made, right? But it is also nice to know that in His great benevolence and by His great provision, He only wants a tithe, or a tenth, in return as you receive what you have from Him. One reference to this is found in Prov. 3:9-10 and 2 Cor. 9:6-7, and the latter reference promises scarcity to be met with scarcity, and generosity with generosity, for God loves a cheerful giver, to honor the Lord who gave us what we have by returning honor from what we have with the firstfruits of our increase. Mal. 3:10 promises us abundant blessing from God for tithing! On another note concerning giving, Phil. 4:19 points out those who give to missionaries will find their own needs met by our Lord God.

Matt. 6:33 has a promise from God to the believer that He will supply all our needs and more, after we seek the kingdom of God, which comes first! And what a relief to those who suffer anxiety over whether or not their needs will be met on a daily basis, is it not? And this is from Jesus Himself! Luke 12:31 echoes the same.

Now while we are stewards of the finances we have as gifts from God, we also are expected to work with what we have responsibly. Yes, we need to do and not do things in regard to what we have; for example, Prov. 6:1-5 advises not to be liable for others, such as a co-signer. Even family has defaulted on cosigning for generations on end, and so it is quite prudent not to trust your finances to even your own flesh and blood!

Deut. 24:10-13 has it written what are fair standards for usury, or borrowing, that the Israelites had in those days, but in this day, it is best to avoid usury, as so many are unscrupulous and it is so easy to get in over your head.

Prov. 24:27 and Luke 14:28-30 are ensamples of advice to develop and follow a budget, the latter Scripture advice from Christ, causing one to be mindful that one who allows themselves to become bankrupt will be probably mocked by people aware of the financial state. How true that is, isn't it?

There is wisdom in Prov. 21:20, 15:16, wherein is given that we should save wisely and honestly and regularly, and not squander what we have when it well with us, as foolish people do. When prosperity is over, the foolish will be in dire wanting, while the wise who save will reap their savings during the drought.

Lastly, I would be remiss if I didn't point out our spiritual finances. In Matt. 6:19-20, we are told by Jesus not to lay up treasure on earth, because it is not permanent in that either moth or rust can ruin itand take it away from you, just as a thief can. Rather, we are to sow treasure up in God's system, lay treasures up in heaven. Luke 6:38 has it that we should give, and it shall be given to you, as a container of wheat or barley running over, good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over. Prov. 19:17 perhaps explains it more plainly, that he who lends to the poor the Lord will recompense. Also, 2 Cor. 9:6 has it that, "...he which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully."

So here we have learned we should be stewards with God's gifts of all we have, honor Him with His tithe, and be wise in dealing with our finances, saving, budgeting, and not borrowing or cosigning, looking to Him to supply all our needs as we so believe on Him. Don't forget your spiritual finances, those are safer than what you have on earth! Indeed, praise God from whom all blessings flow!

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