Thursday, February 28, 2013

Reasons Pastors Are To Be Men


In this day and age, one may go by a church, and see on their reader board that their pastor is a woman; or one may go by another church, and even see that they have a woman priest leading their church. While this may be a fact for that church, and who knows the number of churches this is a fact for, it is not biblically correct that a church pastor, or even deacon, was meant by God to be a woman. No, I’m not a sexist, no, I’m not making this up, no, this is not a rule I live by, but as a matter of fact, it is biblical precept set forth by God.
1. Gen. 3:16
has it that God’s judgment on Eve as a result of her part in the original sin of eating of the fruit of the garden was that her husband should rule over her. If a woman is preaching to a man, this conflicts with the precept.
2. There is no woman prophet’s book in the bible. Ruth was a Gentile and not a prophet, nor was Esther a prophet, but a queen, so neither woman preached, although they did live godly lives. Prophets were God’s preachers and messengers, and no woman is mentioned in the bible in this status.
3. All Jesus’ apostles were men. The women who followed Him were disciples, and in those days, Jesus raised their status simply allowing them to sit in positions of discipleship at His feet, but none were in positions to preach as His apostles; they were all men.
4. While Paul gave recognition to women who worked for the promotion of Christianity and who believed in Him, he, like Christ, did not give a woman the position of authority to preach, or be a pastor of any church.
5. 1 Cor. 11:10
has it also that a woman’s head is to be covered as a sign she recognizes her husband’s authority over her. If a woman pastor or priest have a husband, and her husband be present in the church she is pastoring, how is it possible that she submit to his authority when in fact she is preaching to whatever number of men are there, and her husband is one of these men? The passage further cites her insubordination to the husband would be an offence to the angels who watch over church assemblies and the doings therein.
6. No priests since the first, such as Aaron and his sons, and even Jethro, Moses’ father-in-law, the priest of Midian (Exod. 18:1), were women. I defy you to find a woman priest or pastor in either the Old or New Testament anointed or called to priesthood or preach by God. Heb. 5:1 - 10 outlines using Aaron as the model the qualifications for serving as a high priest, and being female is excluded from these qualifications.
7. Exod. 18:14-26 tells of Moses being observed by his father-in-law Jethro judging every matter that the people had amongst them, and Jethro advising him to choose men, and only men, to judge over the small matters, and to let him handle only the great matters of the people. Here again, the theme of Gen. 3:16 is followed as a pattern for selection of whom shall preside over whom in reference to gender, as ordained by God in His judgment of Eve for her part in the sin committed in the Garden of Eden.
So when you find a church, and the church has a board out front with
the name that it’s called by, and it has all the other pertinent
information on it, maybe a selection of Scripture, and you see the
pastor or priest’s name on that reader board, and it has a woman’s
name on it for the pastor or priest, the likelihood is that that church is
not running properly, because it is already outwardly not biblically
correct, because it does not follow the precept God laid out in Gen.
3:16 and all throughout the bible to 1 Cor. 11:10. I would
recommend that if you are looking for a church, and you see this title
in front of a woman’s name, look further on down the road, and if you
find another church that has a man’s name after the title of pastor,
then you will increase the likelihood that you have found a church
that is being operated in a biblically correct manner, where you can
enjoy the Word, the church membership, and the leadership of a
pastor who is at least biblically correct by his gender.

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